Friday, March 23, 2007

The Meaning Of Life?

Have you ever wondered why you are here? What is the true purpose of my life? What is the meaning of it all? If you have found yourself asking questions such as these, then I have to be completely honest with you. This blog may not help you to answer those questions at the outset. It may never help you to find your answers. The answers to those questions and many other questions similar in nature are completely unique to each and every one of you, and to myself. The first question you really need to ask yourself is this: Am I truly living the life I want to live, or am I merely existing? If you are honest with yourself, this question can change your life. But you have to be willing to change!
If you didn't like the answer you came up with to that first question, that's good. At least you're being honest. You can't change the things you don't like if you live in a state of denial. That one answer will lead you to ask yourself more questions: What do I truly want out of life? What's standing between me and my dreams? Where do I begin? This is where goal setting comes into play. Only with definite goals can a person create the life they truly want. In the coming days we will work together to set truly life changing goals and to go over the methods that make this possible. Please leave me any comments, suggestions, or questions that may be helpful to you or myself about this first post. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

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