Monday, April 2, 2007

Dream Big- Set Goals Without Limits!

Everybody on this planet has the ability to dream. But what exactly is a dream? The Websters Dictionary offers sixteen definitions of the word dream, but here we will only list two.

1. A succession of thoughts, images, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
2. A vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.

Whether we remember them or not we all have dreams while we sleep. But for the most part our dreaming occurs while we are awake. What are your dreams? Do you dream of making more money at your current job or do you dream of owning the company? Do you dream of owning your own home with a white picket fence or do you dream of owning your own ocean front estate on a tropical island with your own private beach? Maybe it's your dream to become president of your country or to become a motivational speaker and help millions of other people to realize their dreams. Whatever your dreams, the only thing stopping you from achieving them are the limits that you set up in your own mind. This may seem difficult to believe but the only person that can stop you from attaining all that you desire is YOU! All the power and ability you would ever need to make your wildest dreams come true already resides within you. Inside your head is the key to ultimate success. Your mind is a vast source of energy that can never be fully consumed. The problem is that most people never learn how to direct this energy to create the lives they desire. Dreaming, in and of itself is not enough. You must create a dream big enough to keep your interest, turn it into a goal, and in turn transform that goal into a burning desire. Anything short of that is a waste of your time and effort.

Goal Setting:

1. You must decide what you want and must absolutely have. Remember to make your goal big enough to keep you excited about accomplishing it. Nothing is impossible unless you believe it is!
2. Determine where you are now in relation to reaching your goal.
3. Once you know where you are, you need to determine what steps are necessary to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This will act much like a map on your journey to success.
4. Chart all this information down on paper. This step is absolutely necessary. Writing down your goal on paper is the first step to transforming your vision into its physical equivalent.
5. Review your written goal various times throughout the day. As you do this, try to imagine already having achieved your goal. Visualize yourself in possession of that which you want most, or of the person you will be in the future as if it were right now. Perform this step until your goal becomes a burning desire. Once you reach this point, doubt about your ability to succeed will fade away, and the vast source of energy which your mind contains will now back you in your effort to achieve.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Can You Spare Some Change?

With the proper attitude, motivation, and desire, personal goals can affect far more people than just you. As a human being you have the power to affect global change. There are many examples of people throughout history, whether for the right or wrong reasons, that will never be forgotten because they had a goal, a strong desire to attain that goal, and a willingness to act! A few examples of such people are: Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Adolph Hitler, the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein. These people changed history by turning their goals into burning desires. And you could be the next person to change history! What's to stop you?
Let's try a short exercise. Take all the greatest names in history that you can think of and write them down on a piece of paper. Just take a few minutes to do this because I'm sure you'll find this interesting. Next, write your name on the list next to the others. Don't worry if you feel a little funny placing your name next to theirs. I assure you that your name belongs there! Now, look at your list and try to Think of one thing that every person there has in common. Remember, you're on this list too! Are you ready for the answer? Here it is: Every person throughout history, big or small, known or unknown, good or evil was born with a mind of their own. At birth we all start out on an even playing field. Our minds are empty sponges waiting to absorb everything that comes their way. We all have the ability to take control of our mind, and to use it for whatever we choose. But not everybody does this. And that is where people start to separate themselves.

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."
-Michael E. Gerber

Make no mistake, the ability to control our own mind is the only thing over which we have complete control. Everything else is in the hands of a power far greater than ours. So if you want to create change of any kind, the place to start is in your own mind, with your own life.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Meaning Of Life?

Have you ever wondered why you are here? What is the true purpose of my life? What is the meaning of it all? If you have found yourself asking questions such as these, then I have to be completely honest with you. This blog may not help you to answer those questions at the outset. It may never help you to find your answers. The answers to those questions and many other questions similar in nature are completely unique to each and every one of you, and to myself. The first question you really need to ask yourself is this: Am I truly living the life I want to live, or am I merely existing? If you are honest with yourself, this question can change your life. But you have to be willing to change!
If you didn't like the answer you came up with to that first question, that's good. At least you're being honest. You can't change the things you don't like if you live in a state of denial. That one answer will lead you to ask yourself more questions: What do I truly want out of life? What's standing between me and my dreams? Where do I begin? This is where goal setting comes into play. Only with definite goals can a person create the life they truly want. In the coming days we will work together to set truly life changing goals and to go over the methods that make this possible. Please leave me any comments, suggestions, or questions that may be helpful to you or myself about this first post. Feedback is greatly appreciated.